03 March 2025

Curriculum Planner Institution Settings

The Curriculum Planner screen contains the institution settings for the Curriculum Planner module.

Curriculum Planner institution settings screen

The fields on the Curriculum Planner screen are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Default planning year The default planning year. If the user selects the ‘current year’ option in ebs, this will restrict the search to the year you specify here.
Control CPUser Deletion of Fees and Qual Aims? Whether the CP user can delete fees or qualification aims.
Programme area code for basic skills The programme area code to use for basic skills.
Percentage basic skills disadvantage uplift The uplift factor for basic skills.
Percentage contribution This setting is not currently used.
Source of retention/success figures

The source of retention/success figures. Select from the following:

  • Use default admin settings
  • Use retention/success fields, or default
  • Use Performance Analyser figures, or default
Percentage 16-18 learners achieved Set this to a typical value for the college. If ebs4CP cannot derive a success rate for the course in the learning aim default funding year, it will use this value.
Percentage 19+ learners achieved Set this to a typical value for the college. If ebs4CP cannot derive a success rate for the course in the learning aim default funding year, it will use this value.
WBL percentage 16-18 learners achieved Set this to a typical value for the college. If ebs4CP cannot derive a success rate for the course in the learning aim default funding year, it will use this value.
WBL percentage 19+ learners achieved Set this to a typical value for the college. If ebs4CP cannot derive a success rate for the course in the learning aim default funding year, it will use this value.
Maximum records returned from a search The maximum number of records returned from a search.
Message box on course update error Whether an error message is displayed when updating a course creates an error.
Message box on course update warning Whether a warning message is displayed when updating a course creates a warning.
Default threshold for generating entitlement funding The number of GLH (Guided Learning Hours) used to determine whether there should be entitlement funding.
Default value of entitlement SLN The SLN (Standard Learner Number) to be used when calculating the entitlement funding.
Maximum course limit for each plan The maximum course limit for each plan. It is recommended that this number does not exceed 250.
CP Funding Area (14/15) The CP funding area. Select from the drop-down list.
EFA Provided Retention Factor (14/15) The EFA provided retention factor.
EFA Provided Weighting Multiplier (14/15) The EDA provided weighting multiplier.
SFA Co-Funding % (14/15) The SFA Co-Funding figure.
SFA Disadvantage Uplift % (14/15) The SFA Disadvantage Uplift figure.